Please download the product to make sure that it meets you needs before purchase.
When you are happy that the product meets your needs you can purchase by clicking one of the buttons below. The purchase process is carried out by PayPal . You do not need to register with PayPal to make payments via this service.
Payments can also be made by £ sterling cheques – please email for further details.
Please supply the “Owner Name” of your device below. Make sure you enter this correctly (using the appropriate capitalisation) since this will be used to generate a unique registration code which will be sent to you via email. This registration code must be entered (along with year of registration) to remove the trial restrictions.
Complete product – all modules | £40.00 |
Tides module (including Smartphone) | £18.00 |
GPS module | £12.00 |
Planner module | £12.00 |
Logbook, Expense & Maintenance modules | £12.00 |
Additional tidal data licence (2006-07) for existing users. | £5.00 |
Upgrade Tides to version 3 (includes tidal data to 2007). | £10.00 |
Upgrade Combo to version 3 (includes tidal data to 2007). | £15.00 |
Product upgrade (to upgrade any single product to the combined product). | £28.00 |
The modules for ports, waypoints, routes, charts, utilities and weather are included for all registered users.
Registered users are entitled to support for one year.
Products are also available from www.pocketgear.com and www.handango.com (search for NavStation).
Links to other vendor products
AIRcable Bluetooth module US$69
Brookhouse NMEA multiplexer from £90 / US$149